65- year-old man found dead in a galamsey pit at Akyim Oda.
Galamsey operators in Akym Oda Asomdwe in the Eastern region over the weekend woke up to hear a bizarre story which pointed out of a death of a 65 year old man, Kujo Dzijro who was allegedly found in a galamsey sit at Akyem Oda Asomdwe.
The deceased was said to be a security man working with a group illegal miners in the area.
According to eye witness they last day Mr Kujo Dzijro came to work was seen in a healthy condition.
It was alleged that he failed to report to work for some days, compelling his colleagues to search for his whereabouts but to no avail
On Saturday May 18 the galamseyers came to work in the morning only to spot the demise of the deceased in one of galamsey pit.
The case was consequently reported to the police where investigations are ongoing at press time.