Information reaches this popular website from the the South Tongu Constituency indicates that number of residents have expressed their readiness to rally behind one Hon. Romeo Hademe to develop the constituency as they look forward for his appointment as the Municipal Chief Executive (Mce)
The citizens described him as a dedicated individual who has been tirelessly working for the development of South Tongu Constituency.
As a lifelong citizen of the area, he has shown his commitment to improving the lives of his people
His passion for education is particularly noteworthy, having supported the education of many less privileged children over the years. The potential incoming Mce believes that education is the bedrock of development, and his efforts to connect communities with poor educational infrastructure to NGOs have been instrumental in constructing school buildings for them
Hon. Romeo Hademe is expected to continue his good works, focusing on community development, education, and job creation. His dedication to the constituency is truly inspiring, and it’s no wonder you’re cheering him on, saying “Keep the Good work, HOME BOY!”