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The truth about Rawlings was that he started the June 4 coup to salvage Ghanaians from economic explanation and he was not a murderer – opinion from Npp stalwart

1. JJ Rawlings was arrested, convicted & sentenced to death

2. He was to be executed by firing squad after a failed coup

3. Ghanaians must never forget that, there was a “military medical prescription of execution by firing squad” hanging on Rawlings prior to June 4, 1979

4. While awaiting his execution, Rawlings was able to escape with the help of other soldiers on June 4, 1979 and and led the overthrow of the Supreme Military Council. Over 85% of Ghanaians were very happy with JJ´s take over and called for “LET THE BLOOD FLOW”

5. What Rawlings did after the overthrow of SMC was simply to give back the same “military medical prescription of execution by firing squad” prepared for him to the PRESCRIBERS.

5. Under military rule, it is not called murder, it is called soldier go, soldier come

6. In the military, the ultimate punishment for a failed coup would be execution. That means either facing a death by hanging or facing a firing squad. However, if you succeed in a coup, you become the new sheriff & make the rules. The Armed Forces understands it.

7. Ghanaians must never forget that, the senior military officers, including three former heads of state that were executed were all part of the SMC.

8. Remember that, the PRESCRIBERS of the firing squad for JJ Rawlings was the SMC.

9. The only Ghanaian military leader to bring about successful democratic change is JJ Rawlings. He brought order, security and prosperity to Ghana. His legacy is controversial and he divided opinion in some parts of the country.

10. Rawlings was a lucky man, not a murderer under military rule.
No military officer will call Rawlings a murderer.

Rawlings was tortured multiple times, blood oozed out of his ears, nostrils & mouth whilst awaiting execution.

Can you imagine JJ´s mindset after the successful coup on June 4th 1979?

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