
Africa: The hunger cow that produces enough milk to feed the world.

What many of us may not be aware of is that the global economic system is designed and set up to keep Africa in an unending poverty. This global economic system which was designed at the time which Africa as a whole was under colonization of exploiters was set up to flourish at the back of free exploitations of all kinds at the back of Africa.

This system which Africa did not participate in designing it but required to operate within it without a question has made it possible for Africa as a continent become more like a hungry cow that is required to continuously produce enough milk to feed the world. At this stage, the cow is hungry not because she has no food within her yard, nor because she is incapable of generating enough food on her table. The simple truth is that this cow is hungry because an iron lock has been placed on her head to cover her mouth. At the same time, her children are threatened with their lives to accept what they obviously know to be unacceptable. Hence, the hungry cow we see today, as our continent continue to pile up debt to push our children into slavery of debt.

ICL Computer Training Institute

Sadly, those who milk Africa every day are not just greedy people who seek selfish benefit from her riches; they are also wicked individuals who join forces to starve her so they can derive happiness and pleasure from witnessing her suffering and be in pain just like those who shoot animals not for food but for games and pleasure.

Let us start by giving deep consideration to the following: For more than 60 years of independence, no African country has been allowed to trade its naturally endowed resources in its own sovereign currency. This singular act prevents the true value of those resources from being translated into economic development and empowerment on the African continent.

Any attempt by an African leader to break this global economic system—deliberately designed and instituted to keep Africa in unending poverty—is met with assassination or removal from power. This has forced power-holders on the African continent to remain quiet, watching as the future of the next generation is destroyed. This real threat did not start with Patrice Lumumba of DR Congo or Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso, nor did it end with the sad removal and assassination of our dear brother Gaddafi. All of us are victims, and anyone seeking to challenge this system must be aware of the true consequences.

Today, the African masses are made to believe that they are suffering solely because of the corrupt nature of their leaders. However, our underdevelopment is a result of something far greater than corruption which is itself only a by-product of the global exploitation scheme. After all, corruption is even more abundant in the global system than on the African continent. I need not to point direct fingers, but I know very well of what I am talking about.

Here is one of the real reasons why Africa, despite her huge natural and human resources, continues to remain poor and may remain so for a very long time until the general general masses develop the consciousness that point us to mass liberation over a saviour-leader sickness:

When we (Africa) need a car or anything from the colonizers, we work hard to earn their currency to pay for our wants. This means that whatever we demand from them, we pay for with our labour or energy equal in value to what we are taking from them. In turn, this creates value in their economies. When we fail to work in their economies to obtain their currencies, we have only the option of going to the global financial market to increase the supply of our currency to demand theirs. When this happens, we create demand for their currency as a commodity, and as the demand for their currencies increases, so does their value (higher exchange rate for them), while ours loses value in return.

On the other hand, when the world (colonizers and exploiters) need our valuable resources, we are told that we need foreign exchange. As a result, we allow them to print their valueless papers (in the form of money) to exchange for our valuable resources. This means they take away our resources without creating any value in our economies. It is like telling them that freely print your paper money and come for our gold and once they do so they take in value that allows their paper money to have value because it is being backed by the huge value they take away freely from Africa.

Imagine if Africa tells the world, “When you need our gold, diamonds, oil, and other resources, you must pay for them in our African currencies.” This would mean that the world would have to come and work on the African continent in order to earn our currency to demand our valuable resources (because they do not legally have the sovereign right to print our currencies and use them), and this will create real values such as expertise knowledge, infrastructure, technology and human energy into the African economy. Otherwise, they would have to go to the global financial market to demand our currency, leading to an increase in its value rather than the continous depreciation we see in African currencies each day.

At this stage, let me point out that it costs less than 50 cents to print a $100 bill or €100 note, but it costs more than $100 to mine just 2 grams of gold. So how can we genuinely exchange 2 grams of gold for 50 cents if not for exploitation? If we are using our currency to exchange our resources, then we can genuinely receive the true value of it and retain that in our economy

If we allow China, America, the UK, or any other country to demand our resources with their paper money, we are essentially saying we have no control over those resources, as these countries can freely print any amount of their currency to take our valuable resources. Our economies can generate true value from our vast resources only when our currencies are backed by those resources and are exchanged in our own sovereign currencies.

The truth is, if other nations are allowed to print money to buy our resources, then Africa should also be able to print our own money to buy whatever we need from their economy without resistance, we should be able to print our own sovereign currency and use it to pay off all the debt we owe them. If not, then they must work to earn our currency before using it to buy our resources, just as we work for theirs to buy their goods.

The African Continental Unity Party-ACUP is the people’s agenda and the government of the ACUP shall stand with the people to defend our continent and correct this injustice and imbalance. We shall stand in unity to build Africa to become a golden home of global powerbase that is able to protect every African and our common interest.

–Share this post to create the needed awareness of what we must do to liberate ourselves. The liberation of our continent and our people worldwide can only be achieved by the masses, not our leaders, who face constant threats whenever they work for our interests rather than the oppressor’s.

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