Religious News

Discrimination is a great anthem before God

Discrimination is itself the clinical act of perceiving polarities. A music aficionado, for instance, who recognizes the influence of Chopin in the études of Debussy may be said to have a “discriminating ear”; that is, the music nut is a person of refined perception. In most contexts, however, discrimination is a monstrous term,  referring to the practice of unscrupulously treating a person or group of people contrastingly from other people or groups of people, and this is the smell i will pin the word in this article on. Discrimination can be based on religion, disabilities, race, ethnicity, intelligence, or any amount of factors which make human beings heterogeneous.

Discrimination is not akin to discernment. Discernment is conventional discrimination, anchored on truth and fact. For specimen sake, discernment may not choose to hire someone because he showed up fifteen minutes late for an interview reeking of alcohol. Discernment congruously evaluates that person as an unsuitable candidate for a responsible job. Discrimination, on the other hand, may choose to not recruit someone merely because he is of a different race or did not wear pricey clothing for the interview. Discrimination erringly judges a person based on external factors or personal preference solely.

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One of the first muddles, which ignited in the early church was due to ‘ discrimination ‘ : “But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food” (Acts 6:1, NLT). The Jerusalem church was multi-ethnic, and some racial prejudice crept into their practices and occasioned imbroglio. This squabble pulled the apostles away from teaching and preaching, so the church elected the first deacons to neutralize the plight and make sure no one was being discriminated against (Acts 6:2–3).

Discrimination was also a hole for the first Jewish believers in Jesus. Because God’s Messiah had come through the line of David and to the Jews first (Romans 1:16), they inferred, he was their Messiah only. Discrimination sprung up then as Gentiles were added to the church. Some Jewish leaders wanted to know how “Jewish” the Gentile believers must become (Acts 14:27; 15:5). Many Jews could not believe that mere faith in their Messiah was enough to asseverate Gentiles as it had them. Sanguinely, the Gentiles should have to do something “Jewish,” such as shoulder to the Sabbath or be circumcised, to be extricated (see Acts 15:1 and Galatians 5:1–12). This brush of cultures, with its theological implications, necessitated the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:2–35). The modern church often wrestles with identical quagmires. Christians cannot discriminate against certain people, groups or religions, because that faith which rescued  “those people,” too (Ephesians 2:8–9) doesn’t resonate with us anymore.

No human being is fully free of prejudice or discrimination. But explicitly, religious bigotries are being frowned upon by everyone at every nook and cranny. Generally, It’s part of our egocentric nature to prefer those of our own kind, whatever that represents to us – but it must not be exhibited in a way to cripple someone’s religious association. Races tend to congregate in their own neighborhoods and churches, preferring their way of doing things to that of other races or nationalities. Preferences are fine as long as they don’t turn into legalistic discrimination against believers who vary on non-essential aspects of faith. Legalists discriminate against those they judge as rebels, while rebels discriminate against traditionalists. The objective should be to ‘ disagree ‘ without ‘ discriminating ‘.

We can subdue our proclivity towards discrimination by modeling Jesus’ attitude of mim service (Matthew 20:28). He washed the feet of Judas, knowing that Judas was a rat (John 13:27). He ministered in Gentile regions and in Samaria (Mark 7:24, 31; John 4:4). Rather than to incite discrimination between “us and them,” Jesus’ coming to earth bulldozed the hurdles which winnowed out people: “He himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility” (Ephesians 2:14). We can practice the instruction of Philippians 2:3, which professes, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.”

God has made all who trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior one. Jews and Greeks, rich and poor, every nation, and every ethnicity—Jesus has formed His church from all groups (Galatians 3:28; Revelation 5:9). There should be no ” discrimination ” within the Body of Christ because there is no discrimination with God (Acts 10:34).

This is a caveat to Agyin Asare _ you can have all the related gifts of God, but when you foozled the incorporation of ‘ commonsense ‘ and ‘ maturity ‘ in your arts, it becomes inconsequential, regardless. Agyin Asare must operate his divine call biblically than to politicize the Christian religious front thereby making it apathetic for the enthusiasts through his unwarranted religious bigotries. This act of his, has made him biblically supine _ every apostle of God isn’t a protagonist of discriminatory acts and due to this, he must tender in a profound apology to Dr. Bawumia, his congregants, the pastoral sector and Ghanaians at large for that unfledged crusade.

By : Prof. Dinkum.
( The Buzzing Rapine of Erudition ).
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