
Health Minister Kwabena Mintah Akandoh sounds warning: Professionalism expected from healthcare workers.

Health Minister, Kwabena Mintah Akando, has issued a scathing admonition to nurses and healthcare workers who perpetrate unprofessional and rude behavior towards patients, citing the deleterious impact of such conduct on healthcare outcomes.

Speaking at a cholera sensitization program at the Winneba Government Hospital, the minister expressed profound concern that the egregious behavior of a few healthcare workers discourages individuals from seeking medical attention, even when critically ill.

The minister acknowledged that the vast majority of healthcare workers are dedicated and compassionate, but a small coterie of “bad nuts” sullies the reputation of the profession with their egregious attitudes, fostering an environment of trepidation and mistrust among patients.

“We have fantastic and very professional health workers, but there are a few bad nuts amongst them, especially the way some of you handle patients,” he remarked.

Minister Akando emphasized the imperative of professionalism, urging healthcare workers to remain patient and courteous, even in the face of extreme provocation. “Irrespective of the level of provocation, we expect you to be very professional…it’s an appeal to the few bad nuts that are amongst you,” he stated, his tone imbued with a sense of gravitas.

The minister also noted that some health centers have witnessed a precipitous decline in attendance due to the treatment meted out to patients. “And it is one of the reasons why sometimes you go to some districts and the attendance or records at the government facility is lower than the private ones. It’s based on how you handle the patients,” he explained, his words dripping with conviction.

To address the issue, Hon.Akando hinted at stricter enforcement of disciplinary measures for those found guilty of misconduct.

He also pledged to improve working conditions to address the frustrations some nurses face, ensuring that patients feel comfortable and protected.

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