General News

Stolen government fertilizers arrested at Esaase

A consignment of government fertilizers intended for distribution to farmers has been intercepted in a full building and arrested one suspect by name Francis Osei at Esaase in the atwima nwabiagya north municipal of the Ashanti region.

The shocking discovery has prompted calls for accountability and further investigation.

ICL Computer Training Institute

Speaking in an interview with the correspondent Chairman Dickson Sogah alleged that the intercepted fertilizers, meant to benefit farmers under government initiatives, had been hoarded and possibly diverted for private gain.

According to Atwima Nwabiagya North NDC Chairman Dickson Sogah, this is a serious issue. These fertilizers are supposed to be distributed to farmers to improve agricultural productivity, but here we are with evidence that they’ve been hidden in a private warehouse. The implications are worrying, he said.

Chairman Dickson Sogah exposed concerns over the systemic mismanagement of resources under the current administration.


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