
Old students of Bimbila College of Education writes to Ministry of Education.

The Chief Director-General*
Ministry of Education
National Headquarters

Subject: Urgent Call for Justice—The Immediate Appointment of Dr. Seidu Anas as Principal of Bimbico Training College of Education

ICL Computer Training Institute

Dear Sir

We write with unwavering resolve and an uncompromising demand for justice* regarding the leadership of Bimbico Training College of Education. It is both unconscionable and reprehensible that Dr. Seidu Anas, a man who has dedicated two decades of exemplary service to this institution, has been unjustly denied the principalship in favor of a politically imposed appointee.

A Legacy of Dedication and Institutional Stewardship

Dr. Seidu Anas commenced his illustrious career* at Bimbico in *September 2005, demonstrating *unparalleled commitment, institutional acumen, and visionary leadership.* Throughout his tenure, he served under:

1. Mr. Abdulai Weamah – A principal whose *18-year tenure was marked by growth and stability.

2. Dr. James Ibrahim Gurundoo – A highly esteemed leader who tragically passed away in an accident after only *two years in office.

Following Dr. Gurundoo’s untimely demise, *Dr. Seidu Anas, as Vice Principal, assumed the mantle of leadership,* ensuring the *seamless operation and continued excellence of the institution. However, in a move that defies the *principles of meritocracy, justice, and institutional continuity,* the government of President *Nana Akufo-Addo callously disregarded his qualifications and service,* instead installing a politically affiliated individual* whose appointment has sparked *widespread outrage and vehement rejection.*

An Indisputable Call for Redress

The youth, regent, and traditional leaders of Bimbila*—the custodians of the land and the moral conscience of the people — *categorically reject* this imposed leadership. They stand united, resolute, and unyielding* in their *demand for the immediate removal of the imposed principal and the *rightful appointment of Dr. Seidu Anas,* a longest serving person whose *unblemished record, institutional knowledge, and pedagogical expertise make him the unequivocal choice for the position.

To ignore this demand is to *court instability, erode public trust, and subvert the very foundations of fairness and justice.* The people of Bimbila refuse to be *bystanders to injustice.* They will not allow partisan politics* to override *competence, dedication, and the will of the people.

A Plea Rooted in Fairness and Good Governance

In the spirit of *justice, transparency, and respect for institutional integrity,* we implore your esteemed office to act decisively and expeditiously* in righting this grievous wrong. The time for *deliberation is over*—the people demand action, and they demand it *now.*

We trust that you will not allow *political expediency to triumph over fairness. Instead, we implore you to *uphold the fundamental tenets of equity and institutional continuity* by appointing *Dr. Seidu Anas as Principal*—a decision that is not only just but long overdue.

The eyes of the people of Bimbila, the conscience of the nation, and the annals of history* are watching. Let it not be recorded that when justice called, the Ministry of Education *turned a deaf ear.

We remain *hopeful yet vigilant,* trusting in your *wisdom, leadership, and commitment to upholding the sanctity of our educational institutions.

Yours in the pursuit of JUSTICE.

Bimbila YOUTH
Traditional leaders
Former student’s of Bimbico

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